I have difficulties with software migration.
the software is running :
HTBasic for windows release 9.0 copyrights 2002
OS windows 2000 5.00.2195 service pack 2, Processor Pentium 4 CPU 1,6GHZ AT/AT compatible 261 Mo RAM
and I migrate this sofware in :
HT Basic 10.1.0 copyrights 2018
OS Windows 7 Copyright 2009 Service Pack 1
And i have difficulties with screen menu and command DIALOG
sofware line : DIALOG “LIST”, Texte$,Btn;SET (“BACKGROUND”:Beige,”PEN”:Noir,”Title”:Titre$,”ITEMS”:Liste$(*),”COLUMNS”:nb_col),return(“SELECTION”:Rep)
All the variables are OK, except Btn (i suppose this variable is to display buttons)
and the error is : Error 1 in [number line] Missing Option or Configuration Error
Please can you help me. many thanks
Best regards