Clock Widget

CLOCK Widget
Graphically displays time information in 24-hour clock or count up/count down timer mode
Legal Usage                Level-0 Widget                Yes
                 Parent to:                None
                 Child of:                        PANEL
Example Image
Example Program
See CLOCK Widget for an example program that provides a display similar to that shown above.
See the following programs for other examples using the CLOCK widget:
         Alarm Clock
         Bomb Squad (*LOAD)
See CLOCK Widget Attributes for the CLOCK widget attribute list.
The CLOCK widget graphically displays time information in 24-hour clock or count up/count down timer mode. CLOCK can

generate analog, digital, mixed, or timer display

generate analog, digital, mixed, or timer displays.


The mode of operation is set by the TYPE attribute, which can be ANALOG, DIGITAL, MIXED (both ANALOG and DIGITAL), or TIMER. You can set an ALARM event on the CLOCK and specify an ALARM TIME (in the form of an "HH:MM:SS" string) for the event to occur.
In TIMER mode, a digital timer is created that counts from a time in milliseconds down to 0, or the reverse. You can:
Specify the count direction with TIMER DIRECTION
Specify the initial count with TIMER VALUE
Start the count by setting TIMER STATE to RUNNING
Stop the count by setting TIMER STATE to STOPPED
Clear the timer by setting TIMER STATE to RESET
A TIMER event occurs when the count completes. You can perform TIMER actions
cyclically by setting TIMER REPEAT to 1.
Events for the CLOCK widget are:
This event is generated when the time specified by the ALARM TIME attribute is reached
by the CLOCK.
This event is generated when the operator selects items from the SYSTEM MENU.
This event is generated each time the TIMER expires (reaches "0" in the countdown mode
or TIMER VALUE in the count up mode).