Enabling and Disabling Interrupts

The DISABLE statement disables all defined event branches except END, ERROR, and TIMEOUT. While disabled, the first event of each type that occurs is logged. When event branching is re-enabled with the ENABLE statement, all logged events are serviced in the order of their event priorities.
The DISABLE INTR statement disables interrupts from just the specified interface. For example,
disables interrupts from the IEEE-488 interface.
The ENABLE INTR statement enables interrupts from a specified interface. An optional bit mask is stored in the interface interrupt-enable register. The default bit mask is the previous bit mask for that interface, or if there is no previous bit mask then a bit mask of all zeros is used. The meaning of the bit mask depends on the interface; consult the interface documentation. For example,
enables interrupts on the IEEE-488 interface and stores the value of the variable Bitmask into the interface interrupt-enable register. The interrupt enable register bits are defined as follows: