Error Messages

Memory overflow
There is not enough free memory for the requested operation. The -w command switch may solve the problem.
LOG or LGT of non-positive number
The argument to the LOG and LGT functions cannot be negative or zero.
File or Path not found
No file or directory exists with this name. You may not have included the proper device or path specifiers. Use CREATE or CREATE DIR if you want to create a new file or directory with this name.
Improper file type
The file type is incorrect for the requested operation or an attempt was made to LOAD an old revision PROG file, or  a widget create attempt tried to load a non-widget file
End of file or buffer
The end-of-file or end-of-buffer was unexpectedly reached during this operation.
I/O operation not allowed
An attempt was made to do an illegal operation. Some problems to consider are:
-  Attempt to use a widget's I/O path in a non-widget I/O command or vice-versa
-  The device may not support the operation
-  A primary address is specified and should not be
-  The operation requires the controller to be or not be the active/system controller
-  USING is not allowed with a LIF ASCII file
For more information, check the documentation for the device driver being accessed.
Undefined I/O path name
The I/O path name has not been ASSIGNed to a device, file, or buffer.
Structures improperly matched
-  The attributes array and values array in a SET or RETURN are not the same size
-  The FOR...NEXT, LOOP...END LOOP, REPEAT...UNTIL, SELECT...END SELECT, or WHILE...END WHILE program structures are nested improperly or there is a missing structured statement.
Cannot load object file
The widget could not be loaded. Check the file permissions and the directory where the file should be located. Check in all the possible locations which HTBasic will try to load the file. Also, the file may be corrupt.
Object file not a widget
The file did not have a header which could be recognized as a widget.
Undefined widget
The widget specified does not have internal (within HTBasic) or external (WI prefixed file) code which the binary could locate.
Undefined widget attribute
The widget attribute specified in conjunction with SET or RETURN is not valid. See the list of valid attributes for the widget in question.
Wrong parameter type for attribute
The parameter being passed to an attribute is of the wrong type. See the list of valid attributes for the widget in question.
Menu not allowed in child widget
Menus are not allowed in a child widget. Menus can only be children of a level-0 panel, or of another menu.
Widget must have aparent
Widget cannot be created without a parent.
Parent widget does not support this type of child
The parent widget does not allow this type of widget to be a child. See if the widget can be used as a level-0 widget or as a child of another widget.
SET not allowed for attribute
SET not allowed for attribute.
RETURN not allowed for attribute
RETURN not allowed for attribute.
VALUE out of range for attribute
Value out of range for attribute. Check the list of possible values for the attribute on the widget.
Invalid value for attribute
Invalid value for attribute. The value may be in range, but this particular value is not allowed.
Too few elements in array for attribute
Too few elements in array for attribute. Make the array size larger.
Invalid font specification
Invalid font specification. See the FONT attribute for the widget being used. Typical font specs look like "10 BY 20, BOLD", etc.
Undefined dialog type
A DIALOG type must be one of several predefined dialog box types. Typical types are "INFORMATION", "WARNING", and "STRING".
Widget has no events to set
The widget has no events to set. Some widgets have no events associated with them. The widget causing this error is such a widget.
Undefined widget event
The event specified is not one of the valid events for that particular widget. See the list of events for the widget in question.
Attribute not available to child widget
Attribute not available to child widget. See if the widget can be made a level-0 widget or if the attribute can be deleted.
Attribute not available to level-0 widget
Attribute not available to level-0 widget. See if the widget can be made a child of another widget or if the attribute can be deleted.