A file specifier identifies a file. Legal file specifiers depend on the operating system and are summarized here. Consult your operating system manuals for complete rules.
A file specifier consists of an optional drive letter, an optional path, a filename and an optional filename extension combined as follows:
The drive letter specifies the disk drive, A, B, C, etc. If it is present, it must be followed by a colon, ":". The path is a series of one or more directory names, separated by the backslash character, "\", leading from the root directory to the file in question. A legal directory name follows the same rules as a legal filename.
The filename consists of 1 to 256 characters, including one or more extensions. Case is ignored by NT although when a new filename is specified, case is preserved for display in a directory listing. Some characters are not legal in a filename. Characters less than CHR$(31) are not legal. The characters in the following list are also illegal: "*/:<>?\|. Trailing spaces are ignored; elsewhere spaces are acceptable.