FNH2nreturns the value of the Hankel function of the second kind and ordernofx,Hn(2)(x). For positive values ofx, the real component of the value returned containsJn(x) and the imaginary component containsYn(x). For negative values ofx, the real component contains (-1)n+13Jn(x) and the imaginary component ofCcontains (-1)n+1Yn(x).
FNH2ncauses an HTBasic error if its arguments are not of the types shown in the USAGE section, above. It also causes an error if the value ofxis near zero, since the imaginary component ofHn(2)(0) is infinite.
See Also
H1n, H20, H21, J0, J1, Y0, Y1
The algorithm used computes the value ofHn(2) using a recursion from the values ofH0(2) andH1(2). The computation time increases withnand the computation accuracy decreases withn.