HTBasic Help

HPGL View Widget -  Retain Raster

When RETAIN RASTER is set (value of 1), the HTBasic widget management software will pop the widget to the "top" on the screen, draw it in its entirety, take a "snapshot" of it, and retain the pixel map. Hence, the HPGL VIEW widget will be redrawn quickly each time it is moved or repaired.
Thereafter, if you change the widget's HEIGHT, WIDTH, BACKGROUND, or HPGL FILE attribute values, the widget management software will pop the widget to the "top" on the screen, draw it in its entirety, take a "snapshot" of it, and retain the pixel map.
Because your program will use a significantly larger amount of memory when you set RETAIN RASTER to 1, do so only when it is important to redraw the HPGL widget quickly.