The following shows the format of a typical "Keyword Dictionary" entry:
Keyword Definition
Shows the formal syntax rules and options
Defines any parameters, arguments, and variables in the syntax
Shows an actual code sample
Gives a more detailed but concise description of the KEYWORD. Note that commonly used terms, such as "numeric-expression," may be found in Definitions
See Also:
Lists other Keywords related to this one.
Syntax Rule Delimiters and Punctuation
Vertical bars means "or".
Braces enclose items you must choose one of (separated by vertical bars)
Square brackets enclose optional items.
Ellipses (three dots "...") means that the preceding item can be optionally repeated any number of times.
Single 'quotes' around square bracket '[' symbols means they should be entered literally.
(Otherwise do not enter braces, brackets or vertical bars or other delimiters used in defining syntax rules).
Optional and Required Choices
{ ON | OFF } means you must choose ON or OFF.
[ ON | OFF ] means you can optionally choose ON or OFF or neither.
For example:
BEEP [frequency, duration] means that BEEP may be entered alone or with both frequency and duration.
ALLOCATE item [,item...] means item can be used one or more times.
DIM string-name$ '['length']' means that the bracket characters are part of the statement to dimension a string.
Italicized text in lowercase, like "length" in the example above, typically denote statement elements (like parameters, arguments, variables) that are usually defined in the syntax Where and Description blocks, as well as in Definitions.
Keywords are shown in UPPERCASE and should be entered exactly as shown. Multi-keyword statement Keywords must be separated from one another by spaces. All other symbols should be entered exactly as shown.
Usage examples are shown in a "code" font, such as: DIM A$[50]