The HTBasic CSUB utility accepts as input the prototype PROG file with one or more SUB program definitions and the name of the DLL that contains the routines. It produces an output PROG file that combines all the SUB program definitions and the DLL information into one CSUB context.
The CSUB utility is run from the Tools menu from within HTBasic.
Source file .PRO - HTBasic PROG header file.
Output file .CSB - file containing CSUB to be loaded into HTBasic.
DLL DLL file name.
The CSUB is output to the PROG file by the utility. All the SUB prototype routines and the DLL information are combined and output as one CSUB context.
CSUB DLL Pathname
The CSUB DLL is stored in the CSUB definition and is used to load the DLL when the CSUB is executed. It is normally specified with a .DLL suffix. Use the exact case of the CSUB DLL file name.
When no path is specified, HTBasic will search for the DLL in the following sequence:
The home directory for HTBasic,
The current directory,
The Windows system directory
The Windows directory
The directories listed in the PATH environment variable.
Please refer to the WIN32 Programmer’s Reference manual for more information on DLLs.