HTBasic Help


The GPIBNI driver supports NI and compatible cards. This Windows driver calls the National Instruments Software that is shipped with the NI or compatible GPIB card. Many parameters and configuration options such as default timeouts are controlled in the NI software.


Load the GPIBNI driver from from the Device Setup dialog or with the following statement syntax:
To use this driver, the National Instruments software must be first installed. With the NI configuration software installed and configured,  load the GPIBNI driver from the Device Setup dialog or with the following statement syntax: 
where Device_name is the name of the device assigned to the GPIB card in the NI GPIB control panel.

Device Name

If you do not specify a DEVICE name from the SICL I/O Configuration Utility in the Device Setup dialog, the default name "GPIB0" is used. An example of specifying a different name is: 

ISC Option

The default ISC is 7, but if you are using multiple IEEE-488 boards, you must use the ISC option give each one a unique ISC.

BUS Option

The BUS option specifies the cards BUS address which must be set if it is anything other than the default of 21.
If the card is loaded as NOTSYS, the default BUS address is 20.