The resulting CSUB can now be loaded into HTBasic memory and stored to a PROG file as if it were a normal SUB program. All CSUBs defined in one CSUB context will be treated as a group by the HTBasic LOADSUB and DELSUB statements. Use the name of the first CSUB to load or delete the entire CSUB context.
If you SAVE a program that contains a CSUB you will get just the CSUB program lines in the output file. When you attempt to GET the program, the CSUB program lines will be reported as syntax errors. To fix this problem, delete the CSUB lines and LOADSUB the CSUBs from a valid PROG file.
Remember that the Windows DLL file is now a part of the HTBasic program. It must be available on the computer system that is running the program that calls the CSUB.