LXI VISA Device Driver Loading

You can load the LXI driver for a specific instrument in a program (including AUTOST), or directly on the HTBasic Run or Editor screen command line with the following
LOAD BIN “LXI;DEVICE TCPIP::IPAddress::INSTR[ ISC <interface-select-code>][ TIMEOUT <milli-seconds>]
Device named is the VISA Device IP address assigned to the instrument (as found, for example, in the Keysight Connection Expert, or National Instrument's software).
LOAD BIN "LXI;DEV TCPIP:: TIMEOUT 4000" ! change default 2 sec timeout to 4
You can also set the timeout separately through control register 1 (after doing a LOAD BIN) :
CONTROL 7,1;4000 ! ISC 7, register 1; 4000 ms timeout

Device Setup Method

To connect interactively, click Device Setup in the Tools menu and then click the Add button. This will initiate a scan for available devices. When you see the device you want to connect to in the driver list dialog, select it and click Add Selected Device. The driver will then be added to the list of available drivers to load. If your device is not auto-discovered by the scan, you can manually add it by selecting “LXI – LXI VISA Driver” from the Drivers drop-down box, entering its IP Address, and clicking Add to Devices (and optionally clicking Verify Communication). You can then select it and click Properties to set additional properties or to select the optional “Load this driver at startup” check-box to automatically load the driver whenever HTBasic is launched. Then click on Load to load it.
Use of the HTBasic LXI Driver assumes that you have first installed the appropriate VISA driver libraries provided by the device manufacturer of your instrument or device.


The HTBasic LXI (LAN eXtensions for Instruments) Driver allows you to connect to and control LXI compliant devices and instruments on your local area network via Ethernet. It works through your previously installed VISA driver library provided by the device manufacturer of your instrument or device. As detailed above, this can be done interactively through Device Setup in the Tools menu, which uses Auto Discovery to automatically scan for your attached devices, or you can connect devices using the LOAD BIN statement under program control or from the command line. Click here for a more information of the LXI standard.