A numeric expression is any legal combination of operands and operators joined together in such a way that the expression as a whole can be reduced to a numeric value. The following syntax diagram defines the legal combination of operands and operators. Precedence rules provide additional constraints on an expression (see Precedence).
numeric-expression =
{ + | - | NOT } numeric-expression |
( numeric-expression ) |
numeric-expression operator numeric-expression |
numeric-constant | numeric-name |
numeric-array-element |
numeric-function [ ( param [,param...] ) ] |
FN function-name [ ( param [,param...] ) ] |
string-expression compare-operator string-expression
operator = + | - | * | / | DIV | MOD | MODULO | ^ |
AND | OR | EXOR | compare-operator
compare-operator = <> | = | < | > | <= | >=
numeric-function = a function, like COS, which returns a numeric value.
param = legal parameters for numeric functions and user defined
functions are explained in Chapter 4, the "Keyword Dictionary"