HPGL is used for pen plotters. PS (PostScript) and HPGL with the PCL5 option are used with printers. You can optionally specify the min/max hard clip limits for either a file or device that can’t return P (Plotter) points:
PLOTTER IS device,"HPGL[;options]",[p1x,p2x,p1y,p2y]
PLOTTER IS "file","HPGL[;options]",[p1x,p2x,p1y,p2y]
For PostScript:
PLOTTER IS device,"PS[;options]",[p1x,p2x,p1y,p2y]
PLOTTER IS "file","PS[;options]",[p1x,p2x,p1y,p2y]
Options (see below) are listed after the semicolon in the driver name within the quotes. Multiple options are separated by commas.
Plotting AreaThe points (p1x,p1y) and (p2x,p2y) set the lower left and the upper right corners of a rectangular area of the plot in mm (the hard clip limits) from the lower left corner of the paper. p2x,p2y must be larger than p1x,p1y. The plotter points can't be negative for PS or PCL5. If the plotting area is omitted, it is requested from the plotter. For file output, default values from the table below will be used.
Since most printers cannot print to the edges of the paper, the points specified should include at least 1 cm of margin on each side.
HPGL/PS OptionsCOLOR specifies a color printer with plotter functions.
GRAY performs grayscale plots for monochrome printers.
INVERT reproduces colors or grayscale as on the computer screen rather than the default mode for printing dark inks on white paper.
PORTRAITproduces plots in portrait orientation.HPGL only OptionsFILL allows the plotter/device to perform area filling.
HPGL2 supports HPGL2 plotters and activates the FILL option.
PCL5 (must be used with COLOR, GRAY, and INVERT) specifies a PCL5 (built-in plotter emulation ) printer.
PS and PCL5The following drawing modes can be selected:
GESCAPE CRT,5 sets an alternate drawing mode where the previous black or colored areas show through the white areas of the new plot.
GESCAPE CRT,4 returns the driver to normal drawing mode where what is currently drawn replaces anything previously at a location.
Line ThicknessGESCAPE CRT,104,param sets line thickness (default is 0.35 mm). For example:
INTEGER Param(1:2) ! an array for the command
Param(1) = 10 ! line thickness code
Param(2) = thickness ! desired thickness (in 1/100 GDU’s)
GESCAPE CRT,104,Param(*) ! send thickness
Line Caps and JoinsBy default round caps and joins area used to end and connect lines to simulate the round pens used on pen plotters. This can be changed with the following:
INTEGER Param(1:3) ! an array for the command
Param(1) = 12 ! line thickness code
Param(2) = cap ! desired line cap
Param(3) = join ! desired line join
GESCAPE CRT,104,Param(*) ! set cap and join
The values for cap and join can be selected from the following tables.
Page EjectionPages are ejected when: a GCLEAR statement is executed, HTBasic is ended, or PLOTTER IS is set to a different device. For example:
AppendTo append new plots to a current file use: