Random Access Files

As mentioned previously, "random" is not a file type, but a method of organizing and accessing the information in a file. A file should be organized based on how the file will be used. Files in which the items are accessed in a random order should be organized as a random file.
BDAT files contain fixed length records that can be accessed by record number. The record number is specified after the I/O path variable. The record length is specified when creating the file. The record size must be set to accommodate the largest data item.
10    REM Random file example (BDAT File)
20    DIM C$[56]
30    CREATE BDAT "customer.dat",100,60
40    ASSIGN @C TO "customer.dat"
60    LOOP
70      DISP "A(dd, D(elete, S(how, Q(uit and take a vacation"
80      ON KBD GOTO Inkey
90      LOOP !endlessly until a key is pressed
110     END LOOP
120 Inkey: K$=KBD$
130     OFF KBD
140     OUTPUT CRT
150     SELECT UPC$(K$)
160     CASE "A"
170       PRINT "Add:"
180       INPUT "Customer Number? ",C
190       INPUT "Information? ",C$
200       OUTPUT @C,C;C$
210       PRINT "Customer number #";C;"added"
220     CASE "D"
230       PRINT "Delete:"
240       INPUT "Customer Number? ",C
250       OUTPUT @C,C;"DELETED"
260       PRINT "Customer number #";C;"deleted"
270     CASE "S"
280       PRINT "Show:"
290       INPUT "Customer Number? ",C
300       ENTER @C,C;C$
310       PRINT "Customer number #";C;":",C$
320     CASE "Q"
330       PRINT "Thank you for using HTBasic!"
340       PRINT "Have a nice vacation."
350       DISP ! clear display line
360       STOP
370     CASE ELSE
380       PRINT CHR$(7);! ring the bell for a bad command
390     END SELECT
400   END LOOP
410   END
This example, of course, is not a complete application. But it does show the important aspects of random file use, as well as some user interface techniques. Note that the record size was declared to be 60. The length of each record can never exceed this, since each record consists of C$ (which can never be longer than 56 characters) plus the four byte length of C$ which we know will be included in the file since we are using a BDAT file with FORMAT OFF (the default).
regular files do not have a physical record length, but you can still use a logical record length. The record number actually specifies the exact byte position in the file. The first byte is at position 1. To access a logical record, the byte position must be calculated based on the logical record length. The following example has the same capabilities as the previous program, but uses a regular file.
10    REM Random file example (regular file)
20    DIM C$[58]
30    Length=60                 ! 58 Character string + CR/LF
40    CREATE "customer.dat",100
50    ASSIGN @C TO "customer.dat";FORMAT ON
70    LOOP
80      DISP "A(dd, D(elete, S(how, Q(uit and take a vacation"
90      ON KBD GOTO Inkey
100     LOOP              !endlessly until a key is pressed
120     END LOOP
130 Inkey: K$=KBD$
140     OFF KBD
150     OUTPUT CRT
160     SELECT UPC$(K$)
170     CASE "A"
180       PRINT "Add:"
190       INPUT "Customer Number? ",C
200       INPUT "Information? ",C$
210       OUTPUT @C,(C-1)*Length+1;C$
220       PRINT "Customer number #";C;"added"
230     CASE "D"
240       PRINT "Delete:"
250       INPUT "Customer Number? ",C
260       OUTPUT @C,(C-1)*Length+1;"DELETED"
270       PRINT "Customer number #";C;"deleted"
280     CASE "S"
290       PRINT "Show:"
300       INPUT "Customer Number? ",C
310       ENTER @C,(C-1)*Length+1;C$
320       PRINT "Customer number #";C;":",C$
330     CASE "Q"
340       PRINT "Thank you for using HTBasic!"
350       PRINT "Have a nice vacation."
360       DISP ! clear display line
370       STOP
380     CASE ELSE
390       PRINT CHR$(7);! ring the bell for a bad command
400     END SELECT
410   END LOOP
420   END
BDAT files give an error if a single OUTPUT is too long for the record length (unless the record length is one). It is the programmer’s job to make sure that record overflow does not occur.