CONFIGURE MSI specifies a file path-specifier to be substituted for an HP BASIC msus (mass storage unit specifier or volume specifier). Directory names must end with a directory separator character. The separator character is the backslash, "\" For example, the following statements would assign the I/O path, @In, to the file "E:\RUN2\DATA":
CONFIGURE MSI ":,700,1" TO "E:\RUN2\"
ASSIGN @In TO "DATA:,700,1"
Specifying a new path-specifier for a defined hp-msus replaces the previous definition. Specifying a zero length path-specifier removes the previous definition. Note that file names of one letter followed by an hp-msus (i.e., C:,702,1) and file names with an embedded colon (i.e., .xnews.sun:0) will be misinterpreted. MSI translation can be turned off with the statement CONFIGURE MSI OFF when such conflicts arise. To turn translation back on, use