HTBasic Help


Returns the conjugate of a complex number.
CONFIGURE SYSTEM sets the system parameters. To set a device to default, omit the option parameter.
CAT RECURSIVE – Using the RECURSIVE option displays file counts during CAT commands.
DUMP PLUS – Normally the DUMP command only copies the contents of the main HTBasic child window. With this option on, all windows inside the HTBasic parent window will be copied to the DUMP device.
"HPBDAT;READEOF" - for proper reading of BDAT files  with HP style headers. The default setting is to report an error on EOF rather than to read the contents of the file. The default behavior is to disable reading of the file. This option may be placed back to the default using: CONFIGURE SYSTEM "HPBDAT"
CONFIGURE SYSTEM ("DEVICE SETUP") brings up the Device Setup Programmatically.
WINPRINT COLOR ON/OFF - Turns on/off color printing in the WINPRINT driver.
GLOAD UP/DOWN - Changes were made to the GLOAD command in HTBasic 9.1. In order to change between the new and old GLOADS, it is necessary to use the GLOAD UP or GLOAD DOWN.
HPSKIP ON/OFF - Allows those that are used to the HP Workstation behavior when doing a CAT command to switch to the old behavior.
See Also: