The contents of the ALPHA or GRAPHICS screen is copied to a printing device. The source, by default, is the CRT. If any other device is specified then no DUMP occurs. The DUMP is sent to the device specified or to the DUMP DEVICE IS device. Either screen can also be dumped by pressing the DUMP GRAPHICS or DUMP ALPHA keys. Use RUNLIGHT OFF before dumping the screen to exclude it.
DUMP ALPHA sends only the alphanumeric text characters to the printer.
DUMP GRAPHICS sends the screen graphics to the printer in the printer language specified by the CONFIGURE DUMP statement. If no CONFIGURE DUMP is executed, the "WIN-DUMP" driver is used. If MERGE ALPHA WITH GRAPHICS is current, then ALPHA text will also be dumped to the printer as part of the graphics data.
Legacy Porting Issues
You may need to tell HTBasic what printer language to use before doing the DUMP. The default language is "WIN-DUMP." If you are going to make screen dumps to another type of printer, you must first use the CONFIGURE DUMP statement. You may find it convenient to include this statement in your AUTOST file. Chapter 7, "Printer and Image File Drivers," of the Getting Started Guide explains what languages are supported and how to select them.