FINDSearches for specified characters in a program.
FIND allows you to search for arbitrary strings in the program. Once found, the program line may be modified or deleted. The search continues after pressing ENTER or DEL LN. If no modification or deletion is needed, pressing CONTINUE searches for the next occurrence. You may exit FIND mode by pressing any other function key. The string literal must match exactly. The case of characters is significant.
The FIND command from the HTBasic Windows editor input line bings up the FIND window and fills fields with old and new values. All other options are ignored.
If start is specified, the search begins with that line. If the line doesn't exist, the line immediately after that line number is used. If a non-existent line label is specified, an error will be reported. If start is not specified, searching will begin with the current line.
If end is specified, the search ends with that line. If the line doesn't exist, the line immediately before that line number is used. If a non-existent line label is specified, an error will be reported. If end is not specified, searching will end with the last line.
FIND is not allowed while a program is running, but it may be used when the program is paused. FIND is aborted if a change exceeds the maximum allowable length of a program line or if a line number is altered. FIND can only be executed from the keyboard. It cannot be included in a program.
See Also: