HTBasic Help


Defines a single event branch for a specific time.
 ON TIME time [,priority] action
ON TIME Hour*3600,T_pri CALL Explode
ON TIME (TIMEDATE+3600) MOD 86400 GOTO 2000
Example:           ON TIME.BAS
ON TIME defines an event branch to occur when the real-time-clock reaches a specified time. The time is specified as the number of seconds since midnight. The time specified is rounded to the resolution of the computer clock.
There is only one TIME timer. Executing a new ON TIME while another ON TIME is still in effect will cause the TIME timer to use the new value. If the ON TIME is executed in a different program context, the original ON TIME definition is restored when control returns to the calling context. The old TIME value is not restored, however.
ON TIME is canceled by OFF TIME and disabled by DISABLE. A SUBEXIT, SUBEND, or RETURN from the defining subprogram also cancels it.
More information about ON TIME can be found under the "Common Information" heading of the ON CYCLE manual entry.
See Also: