The locator device position is read into the X and Y variables without waiting for a digitize operation. The currentGRAPHICS INPUT ISdevice coordinates are in default units or the units defined in aWINDOWorSHOWstatement. The optional string variable will receive the 8 byte status message defined as follows:
Button Status - Status of the digitizing button on the locator. If the character is a "1", then the button is pressed; if it is a "0", then the button is not pressed.
Comma delimiter character.
Clip Indicator - If the character is a "0", then the point is outside the hard-clip limits. If a "1", the point is inside the hard-clip limits, but outside the soft-clip limits (clipping rectangle - seeCLIP). If a "2" then it's inside the soft-clip limits
Comma delimiter character
Tracking ON/OFF - If the character is a "0", then tracking is off; if a "1", then tracking is on.
Comma delimiter character.
Button Positions - If S$ is the status string and B is the button number you wish to test, thenBIT(VAL(S$[7,8]), B-1) returns one if B is down and zero if B is up.