SET TIMEDATESets the date and time of the computer's clock.
The time-value is a numeric expression and represents a time and date. Use the DATE and TIME functions to convert a time expressed in the familiar formats to the time-value required by this command. If the DATE function is used and the TIME function is not, the time is set to midnight of that date. The date must be within the legal range supported by your operating system. The time may include a fraction, in which case it is rounded to match the clock hardware of the system you are using. The time can be specified to the nearest hundredth of a second. The legal range of dates is 1 Jan 1980 to 31 Dec 2099.
NT Usage Notes
To set the time, you must have the "Change the system time" user right or belong to a group that has this right. Usually the Administrators and Power Users groups have this right.
See Also: