The SCROLLBAR widget is used to input a relative position between a minimum and a maximum value. For a vertical scrollbar, the minimum value is at the top. For a horizontal scrollbar, the minimum value is at the left. Clicking and holding on arrows will autorepeat.
The SCROLLBAR widget is a modified version of the SLIDER widget. The purpose of the SCROLLBAR widget is to allow you to "scroll" a PANEL that is too large for the display.
The SCROLLBAR widget has no LOGARITHMIC mode. It can only be operated in a linear fashion. It also counts in the reverse direction from a SLIDER. If you move the slide up in a SLIDER, the VALUE increments, but in a SCROLLBAR, the VALUE decrements.
The SCROLLBAR widget consists of a trough with a slide, with arrows at each end. The SCROLLBAR WIDTH cannot be set, as it has a fixed WIDTH on a given display. To position the SCROLLBAR properly you must read its WIDTH and then move the widget accordingly.
Events for the SCROLLBAR widget are:
This event is generated every time the user changes the VALUE by clicking on arrows or in trough or by clicking and dragging the slider.
This event is generated only when the user releases the mouse button.
This event is generated when the operator selects items from the SYSTEM MENU.