Editor CustomizationBy selecting Editor Environment In the Options menu you can customize the font displayed, the background color, and text colors for keywords, comments, strings, errors, text, breakpoints, and bookmarks.
Indent CommandThe INDENT command inserts spaces on each layer of nested code to better show the structure visually. It can be executed from the menu, a toolbar button, or the command line (but not a running program). To customize the indent levels, select Set Indent... in the Edit menu.
REM statements and ! comment tailsYou can document your program by adding comments with either the REM (remark) statement or comment tails "!". You should also use mnemonic names for variables and program line labels. The "!" comment tail can replace REM, or be appended to the end of any program statement. The INDENT command attempts to maintain the current column position of the "!" comments.
RENumber CommandFor legacy editor support, which required a way to make space between existing line numbers to manually enter new edit line numbers, the REN command automatically renumbers program lines (by 10 by default), and updates any line numbers referenced in program statements such as GOSUB and GOTO to match the new line numbers. This command can only be executed the Console's command line.