Windows C Include File
/* CSUBW.H — HTBasic Windows CSUB C Language Include File, 6.0 */
/* (c) Copyright 1989-2021 TransEra Corp. All Rights Reserved */
#define MX_STLEN 32767 /* maximum string length */
#define MX_SUBS 6 /* maximum number of subscripts */
typedef unsigned char U_CHAR;
typedef unsigned short int U_SHORT;
typedef unsigned long U_LONG;
typedef short int T_SUBS;/* subscript value */
typedef struct subs /* SUBSCRIPT BOUNDS DATA */
T_SUBS base; /* subscript lower bound value */
T_SUBS size; /* number of elements */
typedef struct dim /* DIMENSION TABLE ENTRY */
U_LONG elen; /* Element LENgth (string max len) (bytes) */
U_LONG tae; /* Total Allocated Elements (upper byte nod) */
U_LONG cae; /* Current Allocated Elements */
SUBS sbs[MX_SUBS]; /* Subscript Bounds */
} DIM;
/* The upper byte of dim.tae is used to store the number of dimensions */
#define NOD(d) ( ((d)->tae > 24) &0xFF) ) /* number of dimensions */
#define TAE(d) ( (d)->tae & 0x00FFFFFF ) /* total array elements */
typedef short int T_INT; /* BASIC INTEGER value */
typedef double T_FLT; /* BASIC REAL value */
typedef struct t_cpx /* BASIC COMPLEX value */
T_FLT r; /* real part */
T_FLT i; /*imaginary part */
} T_CPX;
typedef struct t_str /* BASIC STRING Data */
T_SUBS clen; /* current string length */
U_CHAR str[MX_STLEN]; /* string data */
} T_STR;
typedef DIM *dimptr; /* pointer to Dimension Structure */
typedef T_INT *intptr; /* pointer to INTEGER Value */
typedef T_FLT *realptr; /* pointer to REAL Value */
typedef T_CPX *cpxptr; /* pointer to COMPLEX Value */
typedef T_STR *strptr; /* pointer to String Structure */
_declspec(dllexport) void *(*_fnd_var)(); /* COM memory finder */
#define com_var(n,v,p) (*_fnd_var)( (char *)(n), (int)(v), (int)(p) )
/* CSUB Jump Table Definition */
_declspec(dllexport) int (** _cjmptbl)(): /* ptr to csub jump table */
#define CSB_VER ((long)_csbjtbl[ 0])
#define kbdcrt_check if( CSB_VER < 16 ) return( 2009 )
/* Keyboard and Display Routines */
#define kbdcrt_clear_screen (*_csbjtbl[ 2])
#define kbdcrt_controlcrt(r,v) (*_csbjtbl[ 3])((int)(r),(int)(v))
#define kbdcrt_controlkbd(r,v) (*_csbjtbl[ 4])((int)(r),(int)(v))
#define kbdcrt_crtreadstr(b,m,l) (*_csbjtbl[ 5]) \
#define kbdcrt_crtscroll(f,l,d) (*_csbjtbl[ 6]) \
#define kbdcrt_cursor(c,l,t) (*_csbjtbl[ 7]) \
#define kbdcrt_dispstr(c,l,b,s,a) (*_csbjtbl[ 8]) \
((int)(c),(int)(l),(char *)(b), \
#define kbdcrt_printstr(b,l) (*_csbjtbl[ 9]) \
#define kbdcrt_readkbd(b,m,l) (*_csbjtbl[10]) \
#define kbdcrt_scrolldn (*_csbjtbl[11])
#define kbdcrt_scrollup (*_csbjtbl[12])
#define kbdcrt_statuscrt(r,v) (*_csbjtbl[13])((int)(r),(int*)(v))
#define kbdcrt_statuskbd(r,v) (*_csbjtbl[14])((int)(r),(int*)(v))
#define kbdcrt_systemd(a,b,m,l) (*_csbjtbl[15]) \
/* end of CSUBW.H */