Home Forums HTBasic Forum unexpected error 7 “undefined Function or Subprogram” Reply To: unexpected error 7 “undefined Function or Subprogram”

Paolo Ceroni

    Thank you very much for your quick answer.
    I have backup copy of the program but it gives the same error.
    Unfortunately I cannot share the program, it’s property of the company.
    What I can do is copying the lines that – to me – seem related to the issue. As said, I need to open and read data from an Excel file. This should be done via DDE connection to that file, using a software from Tech Soft:

    3210 Ddeinfo$=””
    3220 IF NOT INMEM(“Ddeinit”) THEN
    3240 LOADSUB ALL FROM “htb8dde.csb”
    3250 END IF
    3260 CALL Ddeinit(Result)

    the program runs well up to line 3250. at the end of the code I can see a list of CSUBs added by line 3240:

    CSUB Ddeinit(INTEGER Result)
    CSUB Ddeconnect(INTEGER Channel,Service$,Topic$)
    CSUB Dderequest(INTEGER Channel,Item$,Buf$,INTEGER Result)
    CSUB Ddeinfo(Info$,INTEGER Result)
    CSUB Ddepoke(INTEGER Channel,Item$,Poke$,INTEGER Result)
    CSUB Ddeexecute(INTEGER Channel,Commd$,INTEGER Result)
    CSUB Ddeclean(INTEGER Result)
    CSUB Ddeterminate(INTEGER Channel,INTEGER Result)
    CSUB Ddetimeout(INTEGER Newtimeout,INTEGER Result)
    CSUB Dderequestl(INTEGER Channel,Item$,Buf$(*),INTEGER Result)
    CSUB Ddegetlocale(INTEGER Lctype,Lcdata$,INTEGER Result)

    but I cannot see any instructions there.
    Thank you again in advance. and sorry for my poor comprehension of coding

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