Home Forums HTBasic Forum Resetting HTBasic and NI-VISA to start up conditions Reply To: Resetting HTBasic and NI-VISA to start up conditions

Tony Goodhew

    Hey Pat,

    Here you go:

    1. I’ve found this to happen in the 10’s of minutes range.
    2. Not sure about during execution but it is certainly during one HTBasic session. I’ve seen both timeout errors and simple “Enter” statements return without any values in the variables (i.e. if I’m doing an *IDN? then the Enter returns with a blank string). Stopping and restarting HTBasic doesn’t help, I have to reboot the machine.
    3. No, it happens during one session of HTBasic use and then subsequent restarts of HTBasic have no impact on the issue. Only rebooting fixes it.
    4. Yes. I’ve initially setup the instrument in the “Device Setup” dialog and when this happened I tried unloading and reloading the driver to no avail. This is when I tried loading the driver in code to see if that was different but I still had the same issue.
    5. I have not tried that – I tried the “BASIC Reset” button in the toolbar but that had no impact.

    I won’t get to it tonight but I’ll crack open HTBasic again hopefully tomorrow and see if I can get it to fail (I fully expect now that you’ve asked it will operate perfectly until this post ages out) and then try the reset utility.

    Thanks for the help.


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