DUMP DEVICE ISSets the printing device used by DUMP.
DUMP DEVICE IS specifies what destination receives the dump data when DUMP ALPHA or DUMP GRAPHICS is executed without a device selector. GINIT resets the destination to the default, which is PRT. Use the CONFIGURE DUMP statement to specify the graphic printer language used.
The number of colors produced in the dump depends on both the display and printer drivers. See CONFIGURE DUMP for more information.
DestinationsThe output can be sent to a file or device (usually a printer). If the destination is a file, it must be a regular file or a BDAT file.
OptionsIf EXPANDED is included, the image is rotated by 90 degrees. Depending on the screen and printer types, the image may also be printed larger than when EXPANDED is not included.
If APPEND is specified and the DUMP is to a file, the file position is moved to the end-of-file before each DUMP. For some DUMP types, multiple images in a file are not supported. For example, the PCX file definition only supports one image per file. If APPEND is specified in these cases, the result is undefined. If APPEND is not specified, the file is overwritten with each DUMP.
See Also: