HTBasic Help

Widgets Displays

A widget is an BuilderPlus object that is created (and destroyed) using the ASSIGN statement.
Typical Widget Display
The widget is displayed on the screen from an executing HTBasic program. A typical widget display follows. Widgets are created and destroyed (closed) in the same way as for an I/O path. However, ENTERs and OUTPUTs to widgets are not performed in the same way as for I/O. Also, RESET cannot be used with a widget.
Widget Focus
When one or more widgets are displayed on the screen, you can interact only with the widget that has the focus. When you click the mouse within the border of a dialog or widget, that dialog or widget "gains the focus". Any mouse clicks or keystrokes then made are input to the widget that has the focus.
"On Top" Widget
If you create two or more widgets that occupy the same space on the screen, the widget created last in the program will be "on top" on the screen. The widget(s) created previously will be partially or totally covered by the widget created last if they occupy part or all of the same space on the screen. To programmatically changefocus use STACKING ORDER.
For example, as shown in the following figure, the SLIDER widget was created after the METER widget, so the SLIDER widget appears on top in the display. It is perfectly acceptable to create widgets on top of other widgets. The widget management software automatically draws overlapped widgets and repairs covered widgets if you place other widgets on top of existing widgets.