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      Could someone help me translate this C++ code with DLL into HTBasic ?

      1/ The C++ original is :

      SESSION sessionID; /// Handles current session
      DWORD cardNum; /// Card’s logical number
      char ID_String[100]; /// Holds string of a card

      /// The Function obtains identification string of a specified card
      /// The function retrievs information of card’s “Model name, serialNum, firmwareRevisison”
      status = PIPLX_CardId(sessionID, cardNum, ID_String, sizeof(ID_String));

      2/ My actual HTBasic nonfunctional translate is :

      LONG Status
      LONG Session
      LONG Card
      INTEGER Size

      DIM Data$(1:100)[1] ! <— I think the issue is on these 2 parameters …
      Size=SIZE(Data$,1) ! =100
      DLL GET “STDCALL LONG Piplx_w32:_PIPLX_CardId@16” AS “Identity”


        Here is the function description, if that could help …


        unsigned long PIPLX_CardId (long session, unsigned long cardNumber, char cardID[], unsigned long length);

        Obtains the identification string of the specified card. The string contains these elements:
        “model code;serial number;revision code”
        The <revision code> value represents the hardware version of the unit – cards have no firmware on-board.


        Session/ Type/ Description
        Input/ long /Handle of current session.

        cardNumber/ Type/ Description
        Input/ unsigned long/ Card number.

        length/ Type/ Description
        Input/ unsigned long/ Length of character string buffer.

        CardID/ Type/ Description
        Output/ char []/ Identification string of the specified card. The string contains these elements:
        “model code;serial number;revision code”
        The <revision code> value represents the hardware version of the unit – cards have no firmware on-board.

        Return Value/ Type/ Description
        Return/ unsigned long/ Zero for success, or no-zero error code.


          Solution found !!!

          ALLOCATE Data$[Size]
          DLL GET “STDCALL LONG Piplx_w32:_PIPLX_CardId@16” AS “Identity”

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