CONTROL KBD,7;3 ! disables all keyboard keys
CONTROL KBD,7;0 ! enables all keyboard keys
CONTROL KBD,7;1 ! disables all keys except RESET
CONTROL KBD,7;2 ! disables RESET key only
Hi Ralph,
thank for proposal but seem to not work on my computer (HTBasic 10.1.3 + Windows 11) … 🙁
When I press “ENTER” it’s still like I click on “YES”
However, this did not work for me. I tried setting it to 1, which did work to make “No” the default button. So, I assume -1 not working must be a bug. I will get this submitted and we should be able to fix it.
Hi Ralph,
I confirm the button is correctly parameterized by the -1/+1 but no change with the keyboard input.
The default button is always validated par the “ENTER/RETURN”
Thanks for reporting the bug.