Home Forums HTBasic Forum TAMS 60488 card – anyone who has the Windows driver?

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      I found a TAMS 60488 card in my computer storage boxes and I got very happy about it since I wanted to control some of my HP / Agilent / Keysight instruments (for example the HP 8920A communications test set).

      So I have the card, I have the cable for the card with proper connectors but then I just can’t find my driver CD?!?!
      I have searched ALL over the web for about a week now but I just can’t find the driver available for download anywhere.

      I have seen that TAMS ceased its operations in 2016 so all download links that refer to their site are not working.

      Is there anyone here who could offer me a copy of the TAMS 60488 Windows XP,Windows 7 or even maybe Windows 10 driver?
      (As far as I understand the drivers were also only available for 32-bit versions of Windows OS?)


        Just checking to see if anyone has found or has the Windows XP, Windows 2000 or Windows NT driver for the TAMS 60488 card?
        I can also use a Linux driver if anyone has one available for sharing.


          I also need one for my windows XP.



            Have you tried contacting Alistair McDonald – President of tamsinc.com ?


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